Can You Wash Car Floor Mats in the Washing Machine? Why?

No, you can’t and in fact, you shouldn’t wash your car floor mat in the washing machine. It can ruin the mat and the washing machine. It is recommended to clean the car mat with pressure wash or just brush them with soap and water in a bucket.

Let me explain more details about why you should not wash your car mat in the washing machine, and what happens if you wash. Read on.

Car floor mats handle different types of dirt, grease, sand, mud, food, drink spills, oil, and many more. They are rugged and protect the car floor from permanent stains and keep the car clean. It is imperative to wash them regularly and effectively.

Car floor mats are mainly 5 types Carpet/Fabric Mats, Rubber Mats, All-Weather Vinyl Mats, Nomad Mats, 3D Mats, and Plastic mats while rubber mats are most commonly used.

Only the Carpet mats or fabric mats with no rubber or plastic backing can be cleaned in a large size washing machine.

Below are a few popular car floor mats:

Fabric Car Floor Mat:

Rubber Car Floor Mat:

Vinyl Car Floor Mat:

Plastic Car Floor Mat:

Car 3d Floor Mat:

What Happens if You Wash Car Floor Mats in the Washing Machine?

  • The machine will destroy any rubber or plastic backing
  • If there is any existing crack, it will break the mat
  • Some car mats are stiff so they will be twisted and distorted
  • Car floor mats are large in size and you need a huge washing machine for them.
  • The machine may be contaminated and ruined.
  • Car floor mats can be very dirty sometimes like grease and oil, which is very difficult to get rid of in a washing machine.

How to Wash Car Floor Mats?

How to Wash Car Floor Mats?

Below are Some Effective Ways to Wash Car Floor Mats:

  • Dust the mat to remove any dirt, sand, mud, or any other debris sitting on it.
  • Lay those flat on the surface and pressure wash them, this will remove any sticky material like grease, oil, food particles, and stains on the mats. Spray All-purpose-cleaner, foam, or soap water (use regular household detergent) all over the mat. Allow it few minutes to settle for a while, then hose off the mat with a pressure washer for a clean and stain-free mat. If not fully cleaned repeat the process.
  • If you don’t have a pressure washer then you can use a brush to remove sitting dirt and stains from the mat. Drill down the brush with soapy water for few minutes and then rinse with water. This way you can remove any stubborn stains from the car floor mats without a pressure washer.
  • Once the mat is thoroughly clean, it’s time to let it dry. You can leave the mat under direct sunlight in the driveway to dry out. However, the best way is to hang to dry this way the mat will not be distorted.

How to wash car mats in washing machine?

As mentioned earlier, we don’t recommend washing your car mats in the washing machine. But, for some reason, if you still want to do, we suggest following below listed important tips.

How to wash car mats in washing machine?
  • Don’t put thick mats in the machine. Thicker mats are difficult to wash in washing machines.
  • Use only fabric or carpet mats without any rubber or plastic backing in the washing machine they will not get warped by a machine wash.
  • Don’t put cracked mats or mats with any wear and tear. This may completely ruin them.
  • Use household detergent, laundry powder, or dishwasher liquid with water and wash for a few minutes.
  • The best cycle to wash car floor mats- A simple wash every two weeks, wax at least every six months, and a basic interior clean-out every 2-3 months.


It is risky to put the car mats in the washing machine. A bucket of water with some Carpet Cleaner or detergent and a brush can do the job effectively.

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